" Another well conducted class by a skilled presenter, A++++." - Multi-Modal Recurrent, May 2014
Consulting Services
Shipping, packing, classification and compliancy of your products can be an involved and costly experience if not done properly.
Our consultants can provide comprehensive and therapeutic solutions to regulatory responsibilities—executing training compliance, packaging compliance, and transportation regulatory compliance auditing that your company may find complex.
The consulting staff at JGA is highly knowledgeable of the transportation industry and the regulatory requirements pertaining to shipments of hazardous materials. In addition to our understanding of the regulations and industry requirements, we also have years of hands-on experience safely packing, documenting, marking, and labeling hazardous materials shipments, without incident.
What Can You Expect?
JGA offers consulting services on a case-by-case basis or under contracts through a Consulting Retainer Agreement (CRA). Under the CRA, a JGA auditor will visit your facility to review your organization’s registration, training, and record-keeping process, packaging policies and procedures, package communications and packaging compliance standards, shipment documents, and the shipping department quality assurance requirements. Our qualified consultants will prepare an analysis of the audit indicating any corrective action and a risk management self-evaluation that includes the following:
- Packaging Engineering
- Packaging Production Work Flow Engineering
- Hazardous Materials 3rd Party Test Lab Services
- Classification Analysis
- Company Hazardous Materials Compliance Auditing
- Hazardous Materials Packaging Design
- Screen-print Proofing and Review
- SDS Research and Review
- Spreadsheet Data Analysis
- Production Line Procedure Publishing
- Training Curriculum Analysis and Review
- Training Curriculum Publishing
- Enforcement Citation Corrective Action
- Enforcement Citation Penalty Reduction
JGA’s consultants and instructors are highly qualified in their fields.
If you are interested in discussing how JGA can be your reference to understanding the regulations and the transportation industry, please call or email us today.
Penalty-Action Mitigation
Cited for regulatory penalties? JGA consultants can work directly with your corporate principles, council, and transportation executives when your organization has been cited for regulatory penalties due to non-compliance. We have a proven track record of mitigating and reducing assessed citations by as much as 35%, providing a substantial savings to your business while having an impressive impact during regulatory litigation.
Please let us know how we can help with your mitigation today.