"I really enjoyed the online class and it was so helpful. The system was very easy to get into and the instructions that were... [READ MORE]
What makes us equipped to teach the DOT’s 49CFR regulations as well as other required alternative shipping and transport regulations?
JGA has earned its reputation as the trusted authority on hazmat shipping and training requirements due to our extensive experience and a dedication to relevant industry requirements.
Our credentials include:
- Certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)
- Certified packaging and logistics engineers with the National Institute of Packaging and Logistics Engineers (NIPHLE)
- U.S. Air Force Certified Department of Defense Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods Instructor with DoD
- U.S. Army Certified Trainer - Joint Military Packaging Training Center
- Certified IATA Training Instructors
- Recognized Radioactive Trainers with the Department of Energy
- Registered with DOT for offering Hazardous Materials Training